
Eva Schlegel // Untitled (mirror labyrinth) // Art Basel Unlimited

June 13-16-2024
Looking into a mirror is an act of self-assurance about one’s own existence. Eva Schlegel disrupts this paradigm through her Untitled (mirror labyrinth) sculpture. Though this work features multiple mirrors, their arrangement prevents viewers from seeing their own reflection. Instead, the mirror placement disorients and reflects fragmented images of the surrounding space. Through its playful quality and open structure, the sculpture dissembles and deconstructs its surrounding environment, exploring new perspectives. This walkable labyrinth of steel elements and mirrors suspends the laws of space, opening up the view into the infinite when challenging the potential for associations. The mirror reflection as immaterial space is after all, to put it in Michel Foucault’s terms, a utopia since it is happening in a ‘placeless place.’ Eva Schlegel (born 1960 in Hall in Tirol, Austria) creates photographs, sculptures, and installations exploring the relationship between the inanimate objects and human perception. Her work often examines the contradictions and ruptures that occur within. Schlegel lives and works in Vienna.



Eva Schlegel, Untitled (mirror labyrinth), 2022, steel, mirror, 300 x 300 x 300 cm
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