
Group exhibition: John Kørner // Work it Out // Kunsten Aalborg

Sep 24th 2021 to Jan 16th 2022

Self-optimisation, readiness for change, stress, efficiency, bureaucracy and increased digitalisation. These are some of the topics adressed in the exhibition ‘Work it Out’. An exhibition that focuses on the future of work.

What is work and why do we work? Are there limits to our working lives? Can we in the future create a more sustainable working life for the individual and society? And how can art and the art museum create the framework for new thinking about the working life of the future?

These are some of the key issues in Work it Out. The exhibition focuses on the individual in modern working life, and through interdisciplinary collaborations and experiments, we explore together the potential of art and the museum – both in relation to dealing with the issues that seem to be an insoluble part of our working life, but also in relation to bring new perspectives on the working life of the future.

Working life plays a significant role in our society for our culture, economy and identity as well. Performance pressure, expectations of self-realization and increased demands for resilience stand as inevitable conditions in today’s working life. With the Corona crisis, the opportunities for future working life have really come up on the agenda. Maybe it’s time to put an end to old beliefs and rethink how and how much we go to work?

Niels Fabæk
Niels Fabæk
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