
Ivan Andersen // XVIII International Triennial of Vilnius Painting 2024

XVIII TARPTAUTINĖ VILNIAUS TAPYBOS TRIENALĖ is an international event dating back to 1969, and held every three years. This year’s Triennial spotlights the Nordic countries—#Sweden, #Finland, #Norway, and #Denmark—whose artists are often at the forefront of responding to contemporary global events. Continuing the tradition, the Triennial also presents artworks from the Baltic States and Poland.
The first part of the triennial began last week at the Kauno paveikslų galerija. The curator of the Nordic part of the triennial, Prof. Henrik B. Andersen, presented the works, amongst which are two artists from Denmark – Ivan Andersen and Torben Ribe.
09.05 – 27.10.2024
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