
Anna Bjerger at Louisiana Channel // Get inspired

“That is what feeling inspired is. That moment of feeling like you are connected

to something else, something bigger.”

Swedish artist Anna Bjerger has been collecting books and images for over 20 years.

She uses the found images as a stepping-stone for her art, exploring what lies beneath images. “The reasoning isn’t very profound, maybe, but it becomes profound in the making for me.”

“Inspiration is some sort of involvement and engagement rather than kind of a spur of something. It’s something you build up, and it takes time,” she says and continues: “Somehow, for me, it’s like when you look for water. I feel like I’m looking everywhere for something that will lead me on to the next thing.”

‘Get Inspired’ is a series of videoes that draws close attention to the inspiration process that every artist must go through to create a work of art.

Anna Bjerger was interviewed by Roxanne Bagheshirin Lærkesen at her home and studio in Småland, Sweden, in July 2022.

Camera: Jakob Solbakken. Edited and co-produced by Roxanne Bagheshirin Lærkesen. Directed and co-produced by Tammes Bernstein

Louisiana Channel is supported by Den A.P. Møllerske Støttefond, Ny Carlsbergfondet, C.L. Davids Fond og Samling, and Fritz Hansen.

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